Motivation is a key concept in sport psychology. It refers to the drive within us to behave in a particular way to achieve our goals.
Confidence is the belief that a person can have faith in or rely on themselves, someone or something.
Arousal is a feeling of mental and physical alertness or excitement.
Attention and concentration. The level of focus and attentiveness a person dedicates to a particular task or stimulus
Team dynamics and cohesion
Goal setting is a technique used to identify one or more things that you want to achieve and to establish measures to help you monitor and track your progress towards achieving them.
Mental rehearsal is a technique used by athletes to develop skills, reduce anxiety, increase confidence and concentration and ultimately improve performance.
Affirmations are positive statements that are directly related to an athlete’s qualities, abilities or goals. Affirmations are used to increase confidence and motivation in order to improve performance.
Pre-competition routines
Relaxation and energiser techniques
Positive self-talk
Pre-task routines
Breathing techniques
Performance segmenting
Hede, C. et al. (2019) Physical Education for Queensland. Unit 1 & 2.