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Year 9 HPE : Frisbee

Key Skills


• The catcher should be facing the thrower straight on

 • Hands should start roughly a foot part, palms facing each other.

• Elbows should be in front of the body. Above: a good crocodile catch

• As the disc arrives the catcher should bring their hands together to trap the disc.

• If the disc arrives in the catching zone, it should be caught with a crocodile catch.

The catching zone is the area from above the knees to just above head height, bounded by the arm span of the catcher.

                                  The Catching Zone

Throwing a Backhand

Throwing a Backhand The basic grip for a backhand is shown below.

You can remember these 5 points by remembering the acronym of GSWAP.

Grip - are they holding the disc correctly?

Stance - are they standing correctly?

Wrist - are they flicking their wrist?

Angle of the disc - is it angled down?

Point - are they pointing at their target after they have thrown?


Simple skill breakdown of the backhand (for right handed throwers)

Before Throwing

• Hold the disc in the correct grip.

• Turn your body so that you are side on to the target, with your right shoulder nearest to them.

During the throw

• The outer edge of the disc should be angled down towards the ground when you throw.

• You must cock and flick your wrist to make the disc spin

After throwing • Once you have thrown the disc, your arm should be pointing at the target.


Throwing a Forehand

The basic grip for a forehand is shown below.

You can remember these 5 points by remembering the acronym of GSWAP.

Grip - are they holding the disc correctly?

Stance - are they standing correctly?

Wrist - are they flicking their wrist?

Angle of the disc - is it angled down?

Point - are they pointing at their target after they have thrown?

The most common error is the disc turning over in flight (not staying flat). The solution is to heavily emphasise Angle - the outer edge of the disc should be angled down before and during the throw.

Simple skill breakdown of the forehand (for right handed throwers)

Before throwing

• Hold the disc in the correct grip.

• With your right foot, take a small step out to the side. Shift your weight to the right foot.

During the throw

• The outer edge of the disc should be angled down towards the ground when you throw. This is achieved by dropping the wrist angle.

• You must cock and flick your wrist to make the disc spin

After throwing • Once you have thrown the disc, your arm should be pointing at the target.


Additional Throwing and Playing information
