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Cuban Missile Crisis: Welcome

Cuban Missile Crisis

Primary Sources

National Security Archive


Note: English translations of foreign language documents follow origianls.

USSR, Memorandum, A. Adzhubei’s Account of His Visit to Washington to the CC CPSU, March 12, 1962. (in original Russian with English translation)

CIA, Minutes, SECRET, "Meeting with the Attorney General of the United States Concerning Cuba," 19 January 1962 (Richard Helms)

DOD, Memorandum, TOP SECRET, "Cover and Deception Plans for Caribbean Survey Group," 19 February 1962 (Operation Northwoods).

Brig. Gen. Edward Lansdale, “Review of OPERATION MONGOOSE,” Phase One, July 25, 1962.

“National Security Action Memorandum No. 181,” Presidential Directive on actions and studies in response to new Soviet Bloc Activity in Cuba, August 23, 1962.

CIA, Minutes, TOP SECRET, "Minutes of Meeting of the Special Group (Augmented) on Operation Mongoose," 4 October 1962.

Chronology Compiled for The President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB), "Chronology of Specific Events Relating to the Military Buildup in Cuba," Undated [Excerpt].

DOD, Transcripts, SECRET, “Notes taken from Transcripts of Meetings of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, October-November 1962: Dealing with the Cuban Missile Crisis.”

CIA Special National Intelligence Estimate, “Major Consequences of Certain U.S. Courses of Action on Cuba,” October 20, 1962.

Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, military briefing, “Notes on October 21, 1962 Meeting with the President.”

USSR, directive, TOP SECRET, Malinovsky’s Order to Pliyev, October 22, 1962.

“Radio-TV Address of the President to the Nation from the White House,” October 22, 1962.

Dillon group discussion paper, “Scenario for Airstrike Against Offensive Missile Bases and Bombers in Cuba,” October 25, 1962.

Prime Minister Fidel Castro’s letter to Premier Khrushchev, October 26, 1962.

CIA daily report, "The Crisis USSR/Cuba," October 27, 1962.

Cable received from U.S. Ambassador to Turkey Raymond Hare to State Department regarding Turkish missiles, October 26, 1962.

DOJ, Memorandum, TOP SECRET, “Memorandum for the Secretary of State from the Attorney General,” on Robert Kennedy’s October 27 Meeting with Dobrynin, October 30, 1962.

USSR, Cable, TOP SECRET, Dobrynin Report of Meeting with Robert Kennedy on Worsening Threat, October 27, 1962.

U.S. Navy, TOP SECRET/SECRET/FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY, Charts/deck logs of anti-submarine warfare operations related to USSR submarine B-59, October 1962.

USSR, Memorandum of Conversation between Mikoyan and Cuban Leaders, TOP SECRET, November 5, 1962 (Evening).

USSR, Telegrams from Malinovsky to Pliyev, TOP SECRET, Early November (circa 5 November) 1962.

Cuba, Order, TOP SECRET, Rescinding Authorization to Initiate Anti-Aircraft Fire November 18, 1962.

USSR, Instructions from CC CPSU Presidium to Mikoyan, TOP SECRET, November 22, 1962.




The following sites are archives of the documents surrounding the missile crisis. Most are organized by date and link to the documents themselves. Some also contain analysis and articles detailing the people/places/events. Look around. Don't be afraid to do research in several places to get to the bottom of the "mystery'.

YouTube Video


Study Guide from SLQ