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Biography of The First Emperor.
Part of the burial tomb for The First Emperor.
Good summary of the Qin Dynasty, which saw much cultural and technological innovation under brutal rule during its brief time.
Detailed information on the establishment of the first imperial dynasty of China and the architecture, literature, weaponry, and sculpture it produced.
Describes the influences of Qin - central rule, the written script, roads, weights and measures, coinage and the architectural feats of The Great Wall and the Terracotta warriors.
Biography of Qin Shi Huang - his early life, reforms and legacy.
Comprehensive website for the World Heritage Listed burial tomb of The First Emperor, widely known for the terracotta army of soldiers and horses.
Part of the terracotta army
Comprehensive website for the World Heritage listed The Great Wall, the construction of which commenced during the Qin Dynasty.
Outlines the standardisation of writing that occurred during the Qin Dynasty, and how Qin Shi Huang's philosophy of legalism led him to order the burning of books to remove traces of scholars' thoughts.
The Qin Dynasty - The Age of Unification. 2012. Online video, 18 September 2012. Duration: 3 mins.