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Cheese Making for Year 10 Agriculture: Home




Videos for Beginners

Towri Sheep

Towri Sheep is run by Dallas Davidson, a past student of SCOTS PGC College.  The farm is located near Beaudesert, and they produce  Artisan Boutique Sheep Dairy and Cheese Room producing Award-Winning Hand-Crafted Sheep Milk Cheeses.

How to make Haloumi

How to make homemade Haloumi 

Halloumi is a semi-hard, unripened cheese which originates from Cyprus. You can make it from cow, sheep or goat's cheese, and this recipe is for making halloumi from cows' milk. It is quite salty, both from the salt you put in it and the brine in which you can store it. This site links to the above video explaining how haloumi is made.


Ingredients for Cheese Making

It is easy and fun to make cheese at home. When starting out, there are three basic components to think about, ingredients, equipment and the process. In this article you will learn about the ingredients used to make cheese at home. Most types of cheese only need two or three ingredients, milk, cultures and rennet. These simple ingredients will ripen the milk, form curds and whey and add flavor to the finished cheese.

Milk is the most important ingredient in cheese making. Finding good milk will help you create fantastic cheese. When getting milk, you always want it to be as fresh as possible. If you have access to farm fresh, try to get that days milk, and enjoy your bounty because you are one lucky cheese maker! When using store bought milk, wait to open the container until you're ready to start. Most importantly, if your milk tastes sour or “off”, do not use it; turning it into cheese will not make it taste better.

Making cheese causes the protein part of milk solids to coagulate and produce curd. At first the curd is a soft gel-like texture because it contains all the water along with the solids. As the curds are heated, and time passes, liquid (whey) is released, and the curds condense more and more until they become cheese. Time, temperature, a variety of friendly bacteria, and enzymes determine the flavor and texture of each type of cheese. Continue reading from New England Cheesemaking Supply Co