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Bees: Year 8 Agriculture: Why Bees Matter

Information on bees designed for Year 8 agriculture but suitable for all ages

Why bees are disappearing


Why do we need bees and other pollinators

Why Do We Need Bees and Other Pollinators?


Most plants rely on pollinators to grow and spread. Pollination is the process in which pollinators (bees, butterflies, moths, and beetles) carry pollen from one flower to another. Pollinators help plants survive and in turn, plants provide our food supply (think fruits, vegetables and nuts), plants help create medicines, and produce oxygen for us to breathe. Bees are important because they can visit an average of 2,000 flowers per day and thus greatly increase the chances of plant fertilization.

Why bees matter

11 Reasons Why Bees Matter


We depend on pollinating insects like bees for the majority of food we eat; yet over 40% of the world's species face extinction. Here are 11 things you need to know about the falling bee population, and why it matters.